Sharon Day for National Secretary of the RNC

January 14, 2009

Sharon Day is a Republican National Committee (RNC) committee member from Florida. She is running for National Secretary of the RNC, a position that could greatly influence the direction taken by the RNC in the future.   Top Conservatives on Twitter ( TCOT ) is currently preparing a letter that will be sent to RNC members endorsing Sharon for the Secretary position; if you are interested in signing this letter, go and comment here.

Thank you,

Bill Austin

TCOT Poll – Sharon Day for RNC Chair

December 31, 2008

Sharon Day for RNC Chair

Participants on a conference call with TCOT members on Wednesday December 31, 2008 were asked to indicate whether they support the candidacy of Sharon Day as Chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC.)  The result of that vote by TCOT members participating in the call was unanimous support for Sharon Day.

All other members of TCOT are being asked to vote within the comments below to indicate their support or non-support and to leave relevant comments.